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SBI - Six Bricks for Infants

An Innovative Six Bricks Approach to Infant Mathematics & the NPMC.

About the Course

Grobby Six Bricks is about to revolutionise learning across the infant mathematics and the broader curriculum.

It’s Six Bricks like they have never been seen or experienced in Ireland before, and configured to deliver the learning outcomes and matching learner experiences required by the New Primary Mathematics Curriculum, and so much more.

Not only that, but imagine, all course participants will receive FREE pack, including the new two 72-page photocopiable books filled with maths lesson plans and matching task sheets. Plus, there is a FREE large A1 poster, 841mm x 594mm, for your classroom wall to denote that your classroom is embracing the Six Bricks 'Play & Learn' pedagogical approach. 

Grobby Six Bricks is about to be at the heart of the infant classroom, where the bricks will facilitate, enable and drive engagement and playful learning right across mathematics and curriculum. The bricks are central to hundreds of skills-building activities, to include the following:

  • Grobby teaches the New Primary Maths Curriculum - 70+ mathematics lessons for infants covering number, measures, patterns, shape & space, and data; whilst embracing mathematical modelling, maths talk, fun group work & problem-solving – aligning with the New Primary Mathematics Curriculum.
  • Grobby & Perceptual Skills Development - approximately 71 activities
  • Grobby & basic Numeracy Skills Development - approximately 61 more activities
  • Grobby & Physical, Social-Emotional Skills Development, Groups and Games activities -  approximately 77 activities
  • Grobby & 'Crossing the B-Line Mat and Move, Jump & Follow Mat'  - approximately 100+ activities

There is also your FREE to-use Six Bricks Interactive Whiteboard Software with detailed classroom practice guidance for each tool, which you will get to grips with in the course.

There is the Six Bricks cognition ignition question & answer rocket which will become a part of your weekly practice.

There is a template to innovate and create your own Six Bricks activities.

There is a wealth of Six Bricks tools & techniques, pedagogy & practice, and activities & actions that will deliver stand-out learning experiences for your students.


  • 1 x Teaching Mathematics with Six Bricks in Junior Infants / 72 pages  (34 Lessons + 34 Photocopiable task sheets)
  • 1 x Teaching Mathematics with Six Bricks in Senior Infants / 72 pages (34 Lessons + 34 Photocopiable task sheets)
  • 1 x Large Grobby Six Bricks Poster for your classroom wall (Size A1: 841mm x 594mm)
  • 1 x Set of 6 Bricks
  • 1 x Number Line A3 laminated mat
  • 1 x Cognition Ignition Answer Code Rocket A4 laminated mat
  • 1 x Measuring with Six Bricks A3 laminated mat
  • 1 x Counting to 10 with Six Bricks A3 laminated mat
  • 1 x Brick addition A3 laminated mat
  • 1 x Movement A3 laminated
  • FREE access to Interactive Whiteboard Software for 2024/2025

Enrol on the Six Bricks for Infants course today to secure your place and avoid disappointment, as this course will surely be oversubscribed!


The online format of this course enables you to study at a time and place that best suits your needs. 

You can access your course anytime until March 31st 2025.

Within this highly interactive web-based course, a dynamic learning experience awaits. You can interact with your fellow course participants through the in-course chat forums and communication tools provided by the CPD College learning system. 

Our friendly and knowledgeable tutors actively support each course, providing expert interaction, guidance and feedback for all participants on chat questions and assignments which call for critical reflection, self-analysis and a reasoned response. 

On successful completion of your course, you can download and print off your CPD record and certificate of completion.

We look forward to welcoming you to your course.

Learning outcomes
In this course, we aim to:
  • Introduce the structure, components and requirements of the New Primary Maths Curriculum
  • Integrate Six Bricks into the mathematical learning experiences of children
  • Deploy six bricks to support mathematical modelling, maths talk and formative assessment
  • Deploy a six bricks materials approach to achieving learning outcomes in all 5 strands
  • Use six bricks to develop mathematical proficiency
  • Motivate and sustain teaching & learning through play-based learning
  • Innovate new approaches to learning maths in their classrooms
  • Enhance children’s mathematical skills with brick activities
  • Identify improvements in their practice by reflecting against relevant standards and statements of practice from LAOS 2022

01: Introduction to Six Bricks & the New Primary Maths Curriculum

  • Prepare to teach mathematics, guided by the requirements and practices of the NPMC
  • Incorporate six bricks into the 5 pedagogical practices of effective mathematics teaching as per the NPMC
  • Incorporate a six bricks approach to working mathematically and developing each of the five aspects of mathematical proficiency.
  • Incorporate the characteristics of playful experiences and play as a learning pedagogy into maths learning activities
  • Itemise, define & explain the core sets of readiness-for- learning-skills that are developed with Six Bricks
  • Illustrate the evolution of ‘Six Bricks’ as a manipulative in reimagining learning that supports working collaboratively, problem-solving and talking mathematics together
  • Understand, apply and practice the Jerome Bruner ‘concrete, pictorial abstract’ approach to using manipulatives to model and build mathematical concepts in algebra
  • Explore concepts in algebra and create playful rich learning experiences for children to explore, extend and create patterns and sequences, incorporating six bricks
  • Assess progress in algebra
  • Reflect on how well pupils enjoy learning in maths, are motivated to learn and expect to achieve as learners

02 - Six Bricks and Number (1)

  • Demonstrate through activities that Six Bricks is not extra work or nothing new, just a new way to achieve integrated curriculum learning outcomes in mathematics
  • Plan rich activities to develop the awareness that numbers have a variety of uses
  • Organise playful learning experiences for children to develop an awareness that the purpose of counting is to quantify
  • Create playful learning experiences for children to use a range of counting strategies for a range of purposes
  • Organise Six Bricks activities to integrate across learning subjects & skill-sets
  • Incorporate six bricks into group activities and tasks to support communication and maths talk
  • Understand, apply and practice the Jerome Bruner ‘concrete pictorial abstract’ approach to using manipulatives to model and build mathematical concepts in number

03 - Six Bricks & Number (2)

  • Select and deploy activities to support learners to use their whole body to learn mathematics in infants
  • Create playful learning experiences that develop a sense of ten as the foundation for place value and counting.
  • Plan rich learner experience for children to recognise and understand what happens when quantities (sets) are partitioned and combined
  • Support children to develop an awareness of part-whole relationships using a variety of models (area, length and set)
  • Deploy playful maths-themed activities that enable young children to develop socio-emotional skills within group settings and interactions whilst working mathematically
  • Plan and roll out six bricks maths activities that enable children to develop and exercise self-regulation and executive functioning skills in infants
  • Incorporate the Six Bricks FREE interactive maths software / digital tools into teaching and learning sequences
  • Assess progress in number

04 - Six Bricks & Shape and Space

  • Select appropriate activities to strengthen perceptual skills which are critical for learning in mathematics and across the early years in primary school
  • Plan and utilise quick daily perceptual-motor & cross-lateral activities which support learning in all subjects
  • Support children to develop a sense of spatial awareness in relation to their bodies and immediate environment and to describe the spatial features of objects and people, and their relative position in space
  • Create rich learner experiences for children to be able to explore and recognise properties of 3D and 2D shapes
  • Provide opportunities to explore the effects of shape movements. Understand, apply and practice the Jerome Bruner ‘concrete, pictorial abstract’ approach to using manipulatives to model and build mathematical concepts in shape & space
  • Assess progress in shape & space

05 - Six Bricks & Measures and Data

  • Plan curriculum learner experiences to deliver on the well-held proposition that ‘a moving child is a learning child’ within any subject
  • Deploy Six Bricks activities to strengthen reasoning and problem-solving skills.
  • Create playful learning experiences for children to demonstrate an awareness of measuring length, weight (mass), capacity and area and their purpose in comparing the attributes of objects
  • Develop experiences children should be able to develop a sense of time and its purpose
  • Prepare activities where children develop an awareness of money and its purpose
  • Create playful learning experiences children should be able to explore, interpret and explain data in a variety of ways for a range of purposes
  • Understand, apply and practice the CPA approach to using manipulatives to model and build mathematical concepts in measures and data
  • Assess progress in measures and data
  • Organise Six Bricks parent workshops as a route to them better understanding the NPMC and how to support their children in learning
  • Develop CLIL approach e.g. ‘Gaeilge’ activities with ‘Six Bricks’ in mathematics
  • Devise your own skills-based six bricks tasks for many aspects of curriculum
We are delighted to bring you this course in collaboration with Brent Hutcheson and his organisation Care for Education, who have developed the Six Bricks pedagogy with the support of the LEGO® Foundation. 


Check out our dedicated Six Bricks site at From here you can access the Six Bricks Interactive Whiteboard Software and the Six Bricks Shop. 

'The course was of a very high standard. All the video tutorials were well received and kept me interested and engaged with the content. Loads of practical tips, suggestions and mountains of activities and resources. I really like how the Six Bricks activities were mapped to the curriculum. That is definitely a feature that should be in every course. It’s so useful.'  Emily, 2023