JM - The Jolly Music Programme
Teaching music skills to infants.
Includes FREE 144 page Beginners Handbook & 6 CDs by post containing all 524 performance tracks.
A step by step music programme for infants, doing for music what Jolly Phonics has done for reading!
This self-paced on-line course contains detailed information, instructional sequences and teaching suggestions for working within our music curriculum, touching on listening, responding, performing and composing.
In summary, we set out to explore:
- Successful approaches to early years music teaching
- Musical skills and how to teach them
- Features of a high-quality music curriculum and teaching practice
- Basic principles and techniques of the Kodály approach to teaching music and the tools the Kodály approach uses to achieve its goals
- Approaches to teaching the lessons of the Jolly Music programme specifically
- Teaching of performance skills using practical material from Jolly Music showing the progression of the teaching across several months, with the skills being taught simultaneously, not consecutively
- Teaching of abstract skills such as composition and improvisation
Teachers will discretely & systematically engage with the school self-evaluation processes & instruments with a view to later formulating and implementing a self improvement plan.
The on-line format of the course enables you to study when and where you want to learn. Content is divided into 5 modules which you can complete in any order.
Participants are encouraged to interact with one another using the communication tools (forum, chat, e-mail) provided by the CPD College learning system. Active facilitation throughout the course provides expert interaction, guidance and feedback for all participants. Assignments and questions which call for critical reflection, self-analysis and a reasoned response punctuate this highly interactive web based course.
On completion of this course each participant can download their CPD record and Certificate of completion. The Certificate of completion demonstrates your achievement in completing this professional development course.
Note: Each participant has 90 days access to the course from their date of enrolment.
Upon course completion, all participants will be able:
- To appraise and evaluate the important place that Music should rightly occupy within our primary school curriculum
- To identify and outline the range of music skills and plan routines to develop them
- To understand the tools the Kodaly approach uses to achieve its goals
- To detail and sequence a range of performance skills for further development and progression
- To teach abstract skills such as composition and improvisation
- To analyse and assess the structured lessons of the Jolly Music programme
- To confidently deliver the programme and to choose music material from beyond the Jolly Music programme itself
- To itemise many opportunities for literacy development and reinforcement
- To itemise many opportunities for Maths teaching, progression and consolidation.
01 - Contexts for primary music teaching. That teachers will be able to identify the successful approaches to early years music teaching along with acquiring an understanding of the value of a solid music curriculum. |
02 - Musical skills and how to teach. Teachers will become familiar with the range of music skills and how to teach them. |
03 - Teaching fundamental skills. Teachers will evaluate the teaching of performance skills using practical material from the Jolly Music programme. |
04 - Teaching advanced skills. Teachers will explore and assess approaches within a series of lessons for teaching abstract skills such as composition & improvisation. |
05 - Beyond the lesson plans. Teachers will be able to rate and select a range of songs to incorporate into their scheme for class singing based on certain selection criteria. Teachers will engage with the processes and tools of school self evaluation with a view to putting in place a self improvement plan. |
"I can't recommend this course enough! I gained so much knowledge and confidence from it as well as lots of new ideas to take with me to the classroom. The videos were fantastic, the beginners level book and CDs that come with the course are a great resource. I am full of ideas and can't wait to get started teaching music in September!" Cora, 2022